Tuesday, 24 September 2019



See the source imageAlot of teenage stereotypes are based on assumptions of them always being on their phones and on social media, and having no interactions with one another in person, which is quite a modern stereotype. This is why many adults say that teenagers have no social skills as they "are always on their phones," and arent actually ingaging in actual real life conversations as it is easier for them to send a text then go meet up with someone and talk to them. Which is strongly represented by this picture showing that even if teenagers are with there friends they are still on their phones and tablets and dont go outside to hang out but would rather be inside. This picture also implies that all teenagers are the same and are always on social media and dont talk to each other in person, which isnt the case not all teenagers are like that, but that isnt really shown in soceity so that stays as one of the sterotypes for teenagers.


See the source image
This sterotype for how the male and female genders are is a very traditional sterotype. Because as the picture shows it says that women and men are compltely different as men are shown on here to be agressive and women not agressive which isnt the case at all not all men are agressive but they are shown like that as a traditional sterotype as being agressive, dominant and just very manly. And women on the other hand, being shown as sweet, innocent and kind. Also were it says that men are not easily hurt and are tough, just shows how men were presented as to not have feelings or they couldn`t almost talk about them if they did or they would be shown as weak, but then it would be okay for women to easily go on about there feelings and be very emotional which is not the case, and its okay for both genders to show there emotions and be able to express how they feel and not be seen as weak for doing so. Because if anything dosent it show your tough and strong if your able to actually talk about how your feeling and open up?


See the source imageThis sterotype of a Muslim is a modern sterotype as people believe that all Muslims are terroists, which makes people scared of their ethnicity when in relaity not all muslims are terrosits many are just normal Muslims looking for people to just respect there culture and for them to undertsand that not all of them are evil. As when many people see a Muslim they are almost scared to walk near them because of that sterotype, making people feel scared and in danger, which isnt fair! They should be able to live a normal life without being judged for being a Muslim because poeple just assume they are all extremeists they should be able to just live in peace and be able to have there relgion and for people to respect that and for them not be judged. Just because one small proportion of the whole Muslim ethnicity are terrosists dosent mean they all are. Many are not extremeists, but just want to follow there relegion like a Christian would and for people to not think that they are going to harm or do any of the horrible and for people not to be scared of them.

See the source image
Sterotypes for sexuality usually are based on that Boys can do one thing but Girls carn`t or the other way round. For example, Boys carn`t wear pink but Girls can and Girls carn`t wear blue but boys can. Which is wrong because whatever gender you are you should be able to wear whatever colour you want and feel comfortable in, and not be told that its wrong for a Boy to wear pink because its to femanine, or that a Girl carn`t play football because it`s a mans sports. Any gender should be able to choose what sports they want to do and feel comfortbale to play them and not get judged, and a boy should be able to dance if they want to and not get told that its a girls sports. Both genders shouldnt be sterotyped to be or act a certain way they should be able to choose who they are as a person and wear what colours they want and do whats sports they want, without being told that it`s wrong because it`s not wrong it`s just the sterotype that makes it seem wrong or not normal.
 Class and Status:

See the source imageSterotypes for Class and Stautus usually are based on that if your lower class your foul mouthed, wear scruffy clothes, smoke and drink and have a lack of hygience. Compared to if your upper class and are seen as very well spoken, wears fancy clothing and are wealthy. Which is shown as two very opposite lives based on what class you are, as if you are seen as lower class aswell people will automatically view you as less as important to someone of a higher class then you as usually people just assume that all lower classes are lazy and don`t want to get a job which isn`t always the case as some people have conditions leaving them unable to work so are natrually not going to have lot`s of money and be able to afford good clothes or have an expensive taste. Also many of these sterotypes have come from older generations like whats shown on films such as the titanic as it shows the lower class people on the ship drinking and smoking and looking rough aswell as speaking not as well mannered as the upper class people who spoke very well mannered and wore  suits and spoke about there riches. Also the classes were seperated on the ship with upper class at the top and lower class at the bottom of the ship almost showing how they are degraded upon the upper class as they are below them and are not worthy enough to be aloud to be around them so had to be seperated which shows the sterotype very well of lower class and upper class.   

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

research media forms

There are many types of media forms that can be classified in to four types: Print media, Broadcast media, Outdoor or out of home media and the Internet. Media forms describe any channel of communication, this can include anything from printed paper to digital data, and encompasses art, news, educational content and numerous other forms of information. 

Print Media:
Print media has been around along time and is still a very important way of communicating ideas and information. Newspapers as we know them today really took off with the introduction of the printing press in the late 15th century. These early newspapers were often very political and critical in nature, and so were often banned by the governments.