Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Supporting Evidence - How I edited my magazine website images.
Supporting Evidence - How I edited my magazine issue 2 picture.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Supporting Evidence - Using layer mask.
Then I got up the picture that I wanted to change the
background for, I used the quick selection tool to select the
background of the image that I wanted to change. Using the add button on the
select tool to select the background, and the subtract button to delete and
perfect any of the image that I didn’t want the background on that overlapped.
Finally, I pressed
the background layer on the right-hand side column. and then the move tool to
stretch the background where I wanted it around my photograph.
Supporting Evidence - How I edited my magazine issue 1 picture.
First, I cropped the picture that I chose to edit for my Issue 1 magazine front cover, to reduce any of the surroundings around the picture to focus on the main image.
Then I Adjusted the sharpness levels for my image to make it more defined and less pixelated, but made sure not to overdue it and make my picture look unrealistic.
My Final edited picture, my main focus was to make my image stand out more and to add more sharpness and to enhance the colours and light already there, which I think I have achieved.